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6-10 July 2009 University of Bern
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Working Group 2 - Hadron structure and meson-baryon interactions
Place: University of Bern
Sidlerstrasse 5
CH-3012 Bern
Dates: Thursday 09 July 2009 14:15
Generalized parton distributions (09-Jul-09 14:30-09-Jul-09 16:00): Chen, Jian-ping; Dürr, Stephan; Kubis, Bastian
Contribution ListTime Table 
id down date dur. type title presenters
106 2009-Jul-09 14:30 25' Recent results on GPD/DVCS experiments at CLAS BALL, Jacques
107 2009-Jul-09 14:55 25' Moments of generalized parton distribution functions viewed from baryon ChPT HEMMERT, Thomas R.
108 2009-Jul-09 15:20 25' Delta electromagnetic form factors and quark transverse charge densities from lattice QCD ALEXANDROU, Constantia
109 2009-Jul-09 15:45 15' Baryon structure in chiral effective field theory on the light front TSIROVA, Natalia

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