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6-10 July 2009 University of Bern
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Working Group 1 - Goldstone bosons
Place: University of Bern
Sidlerstrasse 5
CH-3012 Bern
Dates: Monday 06 July 2009 16:00
Form factors and other pion physics (06-Jul-09 16:15-06-Jul-09 17:45): Bernard, Claude; Giovannella, Simona; Portolés, Jorge
Contribution ListTime Table 
id down date dur. type title presenters
47 2009-Jul-06 16:15 25' Updated results from PIBETA and overview of the PEN experiment POCANIC, Dinko
48 2009-Jul-06 16:40 25' Pion form factors from RBC and UKQCD JUETTNER, Andreas
49 2009-Jul-06 17:05 25' Pion form factors from lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry KANEKO, Takashi
50 2009-Jul-06 17:30 15' Experimental opportunities of ChPT at J-PARC NAKAGAWA, Itaru

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