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6-10 July 2009 University of Bern
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Working Group 1 - Goldstone bosons
Place: University of Bern
Sidlerstrasse 5
CH-3012 Bern
Dates: Tuesday 07 July 2009 16:15
Kaon and eta physics (07-Jul-09 16:30-07-Jul-09 19:00): Bernard, Claude; Giovannella, Simona; Portolés, Jorge
Contribution ListTime Table 
id down date dur. type title presenters
75 2009-Jul-07 16:30 15' Precise tests of chiral perturbation theory from Ke4 decays by the NA48/2 experiment BLOCH-DEVAUX, Brigitte
76 2009-Jul-07 16:45 15' The Standard Model prediction for K_e2/K_mu2 and pi_e2/pi_mu2 ROSELL, Ignasi
77 2009-Jul-07 17:00 15' Electromagnetic corrections in eta -> 3 pi decays DITSCHE, Christoph
78 2009-Jul-07 17:15 25' Study of the eta -> 3 pi0 decay with the crystal ball at MAMI PRAKHOV, Sergey
79 2009-Jul-07 17:40 25' Eta/eta' physics at KLOE JACEWICZ, Marek
80 2009-Jul-07 18:05 25' Studies of eta meson decays with WASA KUPSC, Andrzej
81 2009-Jul-07 18:30 15' Dispersive analysis of eta -> 3 pi LANZ, Stefan
82 2009-Jul-07 18:45 15' Search of new physics via eta rare decays GAN, Liping

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