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6-10 July 2009 University of Bern
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Place: University of Bern
Sidlerstrasse 5
CH-3012 Bern

Room: 099
Dates: Tuesday 07 July 2009 11:00
(07-Jul-09 11:00-07-Jul-09 12:45): Weller, Henry R.
Contribution ListTime Table 
id down date dur. type title presenters
9 2009-Jul-07 11:00 45' Kaon physics: recent experimental results ANTONELLI, Mario
10 2009-Jul-07 11:45 30' Experimental information on V_us DENIG, Achim
12 2009-Jul-07 12:15 30' Pi0 lifetime measurement and the QCD axial anomaly BERNSTEIN, Aron

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